Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Epsom salt for dyshidrosis

I heard that Epsom salt has many uses and that people with dyshidrosis use it, so I decided to buy some. I was surprised by how cheap it is-- only $4-something for a 3 lb. bag. I am not currently undergoing an outbreak-- in fact, I am clearer than a summer day thanks to the steroid shot and the clobetasol cream. However, I decided to get some anyway because it's good as a foot soak, and I want to do everything within my power to prevent another outbreak. I soaked my feet in warm water and about one cup of Epsom salt, and it left my feet feeling like silk. The aroma is very soothing as well. I used a pomice stone to get rid of a bit of dryness on my heels. Epsom salt can also be used to take a shower, which I did this morning. I sprinkled two tablespoons of Epsom salt on the Aveeno shower gel on my lather. Aveeno has no fragrance, so it was refreshing to smell nice after so long of not being able to use anything that's scented. I also bought a soak made especially for eczema skin, but I haven't used that yet.

If anyone has any recommendations on what works, please post it in the comments!


  1. Hi, I also have suffered with this horrible thing.. It nearly drove me insane when I first encountered it about 5 years ago. I tried all sorts of things, and finally my lovely Doctor found a cream that actually works .. Just put it in in the first signs of a tingle and it knocks it in the head ... I'm in Australia, so not sure it will be the same with you, but give it a try, on prescription only .. It's called Advantan fatty ointment 1g contains methylprednisolone aceponate 1mg .. Hope this helps :) Sue

  2. I can verify that this is the best cream ever for these itchy, burning blisters that used to drive me insane. The advantage cream is good for spreading over larger areas but the fatty ointment is the absolute best. I put it on the affected areas at night and cover with a bandaid or little cloth gloves. It is almost totally gone by morning... the pain and itch is gone at least ��

  3. If salts are used for drying tings out, this seems counter productive. It is relaxing & lavender smells wonderful but with this condition I would avoid it.

  4. I am only 13 and I have got Dyshidrosis on my hands first then started to form on my feet and I noticed it would like come up in hives on my feet until I went to my doctor because of a ingrown toenail and they said to soak my feet in Epsom salt it for 10 mins, after of week of soaking my feet 2-3 times a day I realized I didn't have any more blistery thingys on my foot so it really helped me a lot I use the
    Pre and Post Workout DrTeals Pure Epsom Salt :)
