Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dyshidrosis relapse-- the dots are coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(

Ohhhhh noooooooooo................! My dyshidrosis is coming back! I see signs of a new outbreak!! This would be my fourth outbreak of the year!! Observe! Look closely at the circled area! (Ignore the random line on top).

Right foot

Left foot

I found out because I noticed a slight itch on the side of my foot. I understand it's normal to get a slight itch here and there, but coming where I come from recently, I had to check. Lo and behold-- there were the terrifying dots. Probably because I stopped using the clobetasol cream. Those creams cannot be used forever! They're corticosteroids, they thin out the skin. Look at the skin on my feet! I don't think they can tolerate more abuse! I thought the injection would keep me clear for a long time.

My problem is that it seems I will ALWAYS have to use the cream. Those creams should NOT be used more than a few days. I used clobetasol for a little over a week, I just stopped a couple of days ago.
Over time these creams thin out the skin. Already my skin looks very thin and brittle. So if I'm not hurt from the dyshidrosis, I'm going to be hurt from the cream

You could BARELY see it, of course, but that's how it starts! And believe me, once it starts, it doesn't stop until it ruins the whole foot!!! Those of you who suffer with dyshidrosis know what I'm talking about.

At least there are no signs of relapse on my hands, though. At least not yet. I say "not yet" not because I am a pessimist, but because in this short history, I've noticed that when I get it on my feet, surely the hands follow. But no, nothing on my hands, no matter how closely I look under the lamp.

I have a follow-up visit with the dermatologist next week. Also, the county dermatologist finally responded to the referral, so I might be getting an appointment soon. However, I'm starting to lose hope. I foresee much of the same-- they'll look at my feet, they'll give me a corticosteroid cream to clear the symptoms (not the cause), they'll give me tips on how to stay clear-- tips that I am already practicing to no avail! And finally, they'll say that it's a mysterious disease with no cure. 

I don't know how much more abuse my feet can take. 

Thin, wrinkled skin as a result of extensive corticosteroid use. I'm not even 30 yet!


  1. Thanks for your posts. I started getting symptoms this earlier this year around February. I'm a 32 yr old male, so I immediately went to the DR...this month. I have been given TOPICORT (RX) to use if I detect a breakout but I haven't used it yet. I was also given AURSTAT (RX) and a sample of Aveeno Skin Relief. The AURSTAT helps with the itching, supposedly. But it feels ridiculously good to scratch and put under extremely hot water. I have it on my hands, mainly in between my fingers and a couple base knuckles. It is also on the upper palm of my hands.

    1. OH, it does feel TOO good to scratch. When I see those bubbles growing, I burst them because it hurts more to hold in all that water. :( I've already spent so much money on trial and error. It's really frustrating that there is no one-size-fits-all remedy. :( It's a mystery that is different for everyone, and requires so much detective work to figure out. :(

    2. I burst them too, (on my right foot) I can't stand them. but I don't if that is worse or not?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, I have it too. I have a continuous outbreak on most of my fingers that started in December 2012. I tried the steroids and they initially cleared it up, but stopped working. I went to see 5 dermatologists. The first one was useless - prescribed Topicort which did nothing. The second prescribed Lidex, which took the edge off. The third prescribed Vanos and did a patch test (I am allergic to cobalt and fragrance). The fourth one sent me to the fifth one.

    The fifth dermatologist said that steroids are bad for this and make it worse in the long run. He is sending me to light therapy. I am starting this week. I will let you know how it goes.

    I am also doing acupuncture which I find wonderfully relaxing and I seem to itch less for a couple days after the session.

    1. Wow, sorry to hear you've been through all that! I just took a blood allergy test, and I am hoping that will solve all mystery! It appears that you have already been there and done that, to no result. :( This is awful. How are you doing now?

  4. For nearly all my childhood I couldn't go to the swimming pool because I woul feel so embarrassed wiith my feet. Anyway I think Vaseline is a good thing. It works for me.

    Also try reading about nickel and dyshidrosys. I think I improved a lil bit after cutting wholegrain stuff like wholemeal bread, pasta etc which can be loaded with nickel.

    1. Sorry to hear you've had it this long. :( I suspect food allergies as well. I have read a lot about nickel. If THAT'S what I'm allergic to, I practically won't be able to eat ANYTHING of my usual foods anymore-- nuts, oatmeal, etc.

  5. To the author: The Topicort and Aurstat have helped. I hear its expensive but I've got Tricare. May want to look into getting a sample RX.

  6. I wonder what happened to our author|'s dyhydrisis.. mine was worst it almost cover my whole left palm.. but I continue my life my work coz I need my health benefits but it started to annoy me.

    1. Hi! I just saw all these comments! Great to see feedback. I'm not any better. In fact, just last week it got so bad on my hands that the whole skin peeled off and my hand was just naked flesh. That's healing, and now I'm getting it on my feet. Same cycle as always, since May 2013. :(

    2. Did you try phototherapy? I am now 2.5 months in. They told me I should see first results after 3 months, but I feel marginal relief from treatment and reduction in weeping. I have had a constant breakout since December 2012. Since then I had only a few DAYS without new blisters and my skin peels off from most of my fingers every 2 weeks. Not so great when handling an infant.

      People in my family have it too, and on both sides, my mom's and my dad's. Crazy, since it is supposed to be rare. I have it the worst since it is constant, my mom has big breakouts every few months, my brother is in remission and my uncle (my dad's brother) had it every few months and now with his new diet it is totally gone - he got blood tested for allergies and they found that he is allergic to a long list of things. I am considering blood tests too.

  7. So sorry you are going through this!! I also get it, only on my fingers/hands! First dermatologist I went to told me I had scabies, yuck, and I had to treat my whole family. After that did not fix it, got second opinion and was told dishydrosis and given a steroid cream, which worked to clear it up. I noticed mine was worse in the summer, and in the area we were living at the time, my allergies were horrific. I ended up getting 4 years worth of shots, which helped. I am allergic to tons of things, but really allergic to dust mites. I saw an "unofficial" study that linked high exposure to dust mites and subsequent flare ups. Now, I have since moved to another area, have been here 2 years and the dishydrosis has disappeared!! Knock on wood! I can't help but think it's allergy related! Good luck and I'd love to see your posts continue to be updated!! It's good info for all of us sufferers!!

  8. I have mild dyshidrosis and have had it all my life. Nothing worked for me until I stopped the sweating with a prescription hypercare soulution! Now I only get a rare few bumps every now and then!

  9. I just went to another doctor which I ended up taking with her asistant. And upon seeing my hands she told me that it was fungus that actually causing it. She even show me a photo of it which is actully the same with my hands she phoned the doctor and prescribe me steroid pill some creams and my alltime
    favorite burrows sulotion.. and an expensive antifungal pill fluconazole. I didn't tried it yet coz her instruction were to finish the steroid
    pills and take fluconazole 2x a week for dour
    weeks. Well kinda skeptkc about it that this is not dyshydrosis ang to the fact doctor havnt seen me personally. I'll tell you if it will improve somehow . :)

  10. Hi there. I've been suffering with dyshidrosis for a number of years now, (26 male), though only on my right foot.

    I've recently started taking an antidepressant called Mirtazapine. Mainly for anxiety, but apparently it also commonly works in preventing itching. And after a month of taking it my dyshidrosis started to slowly disappear. Now after a number of months its completely gone, after all these years.

    I'm not suggesting you need antidepressants for depression or anxiety. But perhaps you could speak to your doctor about it? Its a class of drug called NaSSAs (Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants), which is different to traditional antidepressants in that they don't commonly cause side effects like SSRIs will. I haven't had any side effects myself.

    Just a suggestion, I know it might sound extreme but its worked inadvertently for me. To reiterate, it has not numbed my skin in any way, it seems to be preventing the deep itching which brings on the constant outbreaks of tiny vesicles, in turn preventing them also.

    But regardless, I truly hope you find something that works for you too.


  11. I started getting this when I got pregnant w my second child I had an extreme case my hands are all red the itching is unbearable I was told to put tgel for 15 min and selsyn blue its only been 2 weeks

  12. Hi, I was wondering how you are doing now. I just found your blog while searching about this because I just started getting it. I've been getting it for a while but it was pretty mild so I didn't even show my doctor. Or it would just be healing up when I saw her. It has been getting progressively worst over the years and just recently I had a bad outbreak of this stuff and got big blisters on the sides of my fingers and it felt just like when you get blisters after a burn. I feel so bad for you to see that you have it on such a larger portion of your body. I am sure you have probably tried everything but just wondered if you have tried coconut oil. I have had a handful of times where I could see it starting to flare up again (those little clusters of bubble like bumps) and I rubbed a generous amount of coconut oil into my both my hands. It was very oily and I just kept rubbing and massaging it into the rough areas until it was all absorbed. The next day my skin was very soft and I applied some more of the oil. The spots just faded away. Sometimes I just get the really rough white and hard skin plagues and it helps with that too. I know my case is not as severe but I would hope it would help you to prevent some flare ups.

  13. I tried using coconut oil and it completely dried my hands out. I have it on my right foot and both hands. It does feel good to pop the blisters. I do not have very many blisters on my feet it is just dryness like my hands. I almost thought I had athletes foot but it would spread to both feet. I started to get it a year ago. It began with only a little blister or two. Not sure if popping them makes them spread. Anyway after I pop them my hands become VERY dry and scaly. I used vasoline on my feet which made my foot smooth but by the end of the day just as dry. Im trying jojoba oil now.. hope it works..

  14. Its was completely healed well knock on wood it would get into remission.. if only I could post some pictures here.. how are you now?

  15. I was diagnosed with this being eczema 15 years ago, I was just getting it on my fingers. Then took patch tests and found out I was allergic to nickel, cobalt, and Thimerisol(vaccination preservative).

    This year it was started spreading to the palms of my hands and the dermatologist said it was Pustular Psoriasis. I think he's wrong as the blisters look like yours. I'm going this Monday and beg him for a steroid shot. I'm a professional musician and this is destroying me!

  16. I started dealing with this December of 2014. It's horrible. After months of outbreaks, trying to get a diagnosis, trying every medication multiple drs threw at me, I finally decided to stop and figure it out myself. Dead sea salt soaks once a day with thuja essential oil added worked MIRACLES! If I feel an itch start up now, I immediately soak with the salt and thuja. Stops outbreaks cold.

  17. I've had it since I was about 10. I noticed a white, clear bump on my foot and I thought it was a really itchy masquito bite. My dad looked at it and thought it was fungal. About a week later that's when my peeling on my foot began. It peeps on the heel, sides, bottom and around my toes. Then I got a fungal nail infection. (This was all on my left foot) I had the nail infection, peeling, and occasional clear bumps for about 10 years. Finally I took an anti fungal for my toenails (lamisil tablet) when I was 20 and it cleared up my toenails but I was surprised my peeling was still there! But I hadn't gotten any of the clear bumps since then. But my feet (both) and now my hands peel. Every few years I'll get one clear blister in between my fingers but that's it. But my hands and feet still peel.

    I noticed I started getting dark red, burning patches on my face so I went to the dermatologist. He was more interested in my peeling feet and hands than my face. He still suspected I had an ongoing fungal infection in my skin so he prescribed me lamisil again. (I'm 28 btw)

    I'm on day 17 of lamisil I got a HUGE dyshidrotic outbreak on my feet! Like all over. I thought I had chigger bites until I started to notice the clear bumps all over my hands! And now, I have them ALL OVER MY BODY. Up my legs and mixed in with my keratosis polaris on my upper arms and fore arms. It's awful. So I guess the lamisil flaired it up even though I haven't had the clear bumps in years. I'm miserable and go to the doctor Monday to see my skin.

  18. I have done extensive research on dischidrotic ecezema/pompholyx over the last 6 years. Read from all the forums all over the net about it, and tried everything from betamethasone diprpropionate steroid cream to domeboro, to liver cleanses, ACV MOTHER. High strength probiotics everything suggested naturally online. I even went as far as picking dandelions from the yard and boiling them to make dandelion tea. Because it's triggers are different for everyone soulutions are different as well. I first had the outbreak when I was 19 (summer) and let it progress out of control until I was 20. Where i was first prescribed fluconozole i think, and the steroid cream. It mildly returned to my hands at 22 in the winter then disappeared until 31 went out of control by 33 and until recently last year at 34 I swore off all meds and steroids to figure out cause and affect and natural remedy to no avail. My hands were raw oozing bumpy itching infected inflamed raw pieces of meat and required cotton gloves and latex over to be able to do anything. All of you here know the vicious cycle. One bump breeds several and it keeps escalating from there with no relief. You burn it in hot water, you itch it you scratch it, it oozes, it dries and cycle repeats and worsens. Typically it itches and worsens at night when sleeping when body is dumping toxins. I at times had it spread to under the armpits and behind the back of the knees and inside elbows. But affected mainly sides and posterior fingers, sometimes wrists.

  19. But affected mainly sides and posterior fingers, sometimes wrists. For the first time in a year it's starting up again tonight and I am once again committed to finding a cause/effect and cure. Last year at the suggestive of people online , I fired 3 dermatologist for pushing steroid cream on me and went to a disease control doctor who was completely useless and wanted to argue with me that it wasn't candida yeast infection never confirmed my blood work  or swab of anything even though I insisted several times on nystatin am anti fungal. My regular physical with my GP last year I insisted the same nystatin an anti candida anrifungal. He recommended diflucan. The store rx prescribed me fluconazole which is the only thing that has semi permenantly worked so far. I was completely clear for over a year until tonight. I have read however that you can build a resistance to fluconazole/diflucan if taken too frequently. I listen to my body and usually the outbreaks occur shortly after I continuously eat crap for months on end with lack of sleep. It is defiantly yeast/fungus/nutrition related I am convinced. I have fungus toenail and am slowly treating in recent years as well. Treating with open toes socks crocs and air and tea tree oil.  Once in full breakout mode however for myself no holistic or natural means is going to reverse it. The only thing that greatly reduced the symptoms for me naturally and has come close was the GLOBAL HEALING CENTER liver cleanse oxypowder and combo livertrex with pro biotic and acv and attempt to watch my diet. For me it is defiantly nutritional digestive related. There is so much information out there today it's difficult to trust narrow and implement. I will however trust and attempt eastern medicine and homeopathic practices and advice over western medicine. The naturalists are on the right path. Not always as effective but they are relearning how to let food and nutrition be your medicine.

  20. Western medicine in my experience has been nothing but treat, cut, and make money endorsing synthetic  big pharmacy garbage providing no cure.  I don't trust the doctors, the health care system, the political systems, especially the government, the ecology practices, sales and regulation of food in America,  the agriculture, with all the GMO going around with monsano and is subsidiaries, (unless localaly grown) and the nutrition of America. I am convinced we are slowly being poisoned, killed off, and profiteered off of. Nutritional density in all vegetables fruits and meats is way way down since industrialized use of farm chemicals and agricultural soil depletion since the 1910's. (For example you would have to eat approximately 20 apples today to receive the same nutritional density of 1910.) Cancer is at an all time high. Diabetes type 2, is at an all time high, (Lost my father to kidney failure who for 20 years took glucaphoge and Metaformin synthetics and didnt care about his diet.and mother who never had it suddenly has very high sugar.) Autism birth defects, and learning impairments are all time high. (Wife is a special needs teacher.) Alerigies are at an all time high. Infertility is at an all time high. Lawns with synthetic fertilizers and gmo seeds and pesticides are at an all time high. Sorry to get derailed from the subject but you really have to look at civilizations history, earth's history and America's history and pay close attention to the cultural trends to see where it went wrong. There is a reason this nation was once in good health, there is a reason why before the Europeanization of America the land was once extremely fertile. There is a reason why 4-5 generations ago didn't have the myriad of epidemic health issues we have today. Our modern advancements in medicine and technology are great leaps and bounds for man kind. But at what cost, who benefits, and typically a more simpler less complex and more permenant answer exists.
    Case and point question everything, trust, no one, verify everything, do your own research, be willing to experiment to a degree, pay attention to the successes of history and all of God's provisions in life, and live as naturally as possible, or as much as you can afford to. We as a nation need to really rethink our morals, our practices, and our habits. From sleeping, to eating, to working, to walking, to farming, raising families, conducting business, walking and exercising moderately, eating consciously, taking well deserved rests from stress, and most importantly nor living synthetically and beyond our means. Do I follow all these practices....sometimes.... but I am gradually striving to humbley improve and make right again what has been wronged. Just some thoughts for you to consider.

  21. Hello. I've had this twice before (mid '90s and again in 2012) but it went away on its own. However, this latest outbreak is not only not going away, it's spreading over more territory and occurring in a couple more places but in a smaller area. I finally got a dermatology referral. The doc prescribed hydroxyzine (oral antihistamine) and both betamethasone and ketoconazole creams. Neither of the creams did anything. So now he's prescribed an ammonium lactate cream. This actually seems more promising as this will help the skin slough off easier instead of building up into thick sheets of dead skin. There's an article about the need for the skin to slough off properly and it seems the ammonium lactate cream will be good for helping that process. Lastly, I am experimenting with Chapstick on my finger. I put the chapstick on and then a bandaid. I could see a hex pattern on the skin like I saw in pics of xerosis and ichthyosis vulgaris. But no new blisters and no thickening of the skin. I'm hoping this will help the skin get healthy again. Good luck to you all and hope you find something that helps.
